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Waitlist and Fees


Once you have filled out the form please email it to

Please advise the kindy if you change email address or phone number, this how we contact families to offer positions.   
Places are offered in July of the year before your child is to attend. Families will receive a phone call during this period. Upon acceptance, you will be emailed a link to our enrolment software called Xap. A copy of your child’s birth certificate must be uploaded as part of the enrolment process.
The place will be offered to the next child on the waitlist if the electronic enrolment form is not completed within a month of offer.  Children are entitled to place in a fee free kindy 15 hours per week, 40 weeks per year. You will need to advise if you have accepted a kindergarten place at another centre.  


Year of Attendance for Kindergarten

Your child must be 4 years old by June 30 to participate in a Queensland Government subsidised Approved Kindergarten Program. Families have the option to discuss with the individual Kindergarten Service undertaking delayed entry to Kindergarten or delayed exit from Kindergarten as relevant for their child.


Eligible-age Year of Attendance for Kindergarten:












​Thank you for considering Kookaburra Creek Kindergarten for your child’s early education.


Please find below the statment of fees for our kindergarten. 


Copyright © Kookaburra Creek Kindergarten 2025

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